Proverbs 31 Woman

Proverbs 31 Woman

Sunday, January 24, 2016

One Bad Apple...

We have all heard of the saying "one bad apple spoils the bunch".  I wanted to know if one apple really spoiled the rest of the apples that surround it.  What I found is that apples give off a hormone called ethylene which is a ripening agent.  The riper the apple is, the more of this hormone it will give off.  Eventually it will lead to a concentration of the gas that is enough to overripen all of the apples.  So one fruit that is ripper than the others can cause the other ones to get ripe prematurely! 

Think about the people you have in your life.  Do these people assist you in your walk with Christ? Do these people pray for you? Can you count on these people's faith when you can't seem to find your own? Or do these people look at you crazy when you say you aren't interested in doing the things you used to do? Are these people always complaining? Always trying to find something negative? That one seed of negativity can throw you off.  You may be thinking you have it all together, but get around those bad apples and they make you feel as though other people have it better than you do and you start to doubt God and yourself.  You may start thinking you should be further in life than you are currently, instead of being thankful from where God pulled you out of.  When you sit back and think about it, why would you even want to be around people who aren't on the same mission as you? There will come a time when you approach a fork in the road and some of the people you thought were your "ride or die" friends will look at you crazy because your destiny is to the left and theirs is not.  It is ok to love and pray for people from a distance.  God will start to confuse your languages, what was once familiar about a person becomes unfamiliar.  Things you use to do with those people or that person will now feel uncomfortable and you will have no interest in doing them.  God has to separate you from bad company so He can position, then propel you! Thank God for the people He took out of your life, don't grieve or wish them back, He removed them for a reason.  I am so thankful for the people I have in my life.  When things start to get uncomfortable and people start being removed from your life get ready for the breakthrough that God has for you!

Prayers for the heart

The heart is a very powerful organ it controls the pumping of blood to all of the other organs. Dangerous waste gets removed and oxygen gets carried through blood it really is an essential organ. Besides the heart controlling all of the blood and oxygen it is often referred to as changing or having changes through feelings which is really controlled from the brain. Our emotions are controlled from the brain, the heart and brain work together and that's where my topic begins. How do we have a change of heart, how can we care for others that we do not care for? How can we pray for others that are enemies to us? All great questions right Well the answer is simple. In the Bible God Says that Philippians 2:3-4 Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit , but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.

Remembering what the bible says about prayers for others will help us know how to treat others as well. It will definitely show us how to have a "change of heart". Praying for others will help you grow as a person mentally and spiritually and growth is what we need in order to get closer to God. I have learned that forgiveness is not for the other person but it is for you, harboring ill feelings will only break you down and cause you stress.

This year I was challenged already forgiving and learning how to let it go. Letting go is forgiveness 100% just saying the words I forgive you or I'm sorry will not suffice if you still have ill feelings towards a person or choose not to interact with or around them. God commands us to love one another and we as God's children should honor his word.

Image result for Luke 17:3-4
 I pray that this passage will help many people whom are lost in dwelling on ill feelings of  anger, fear, annoyance and just plain hate take comfort in knowing how to deal with it. Praying for others and 100% forgiveness will help your heart in the long haul and help you to have a "change of heart".

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Amazing Grace

"But to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it." ~Ephesians 4:17

I am really hard on myself about every little thing, I hate making mistakes, and to some extent I'm a perfectionist! As a result of this, I often reflect my expectations of myself upon my son. At times this has created a wedge between my son and I, especially now that he is a teenager and trying to discover his own identity. We often butt heads as most parents to with their teenagers. The closer he becomes to being an adult the more I panic and the more I find myself trying to control every little thing he does. But how can I expect him to discover who he is or figure what he likes if I'm trying to control him? He can't! So, I decided I needed to take a step back! I want to enjoy my son and not control him. Sometimes as parents we try to make our kids be what we want them to be but we can't. It's Gods job to do that. Since I've decided to take a step back, I've been able to enjoy him more, we've been able to enjoy each other more! If he makes a mistake or does something wrong, I don't jump down his back trying to get him to see the error in his ways. I take a step back, I let him process it on his own, and then bring it to me and we discuss it. Don't get me wrong, its not easy to do this because I always want him to make the right decisions but if he doesn't make the wrong ones, how can he learn the lessons he's supposed to learn about life? He can't! When you think about it, God is the same way when it comes to us. We are His children, He loves us, and doesn't want us to hurt, but as a parent He has to take a step back and let us figure it out on our own. He watches fall, make mistake after mistake until we've learned the lessons we're meant to learn. If it's hard for me to watch my one child make mistakes, I can't even imagine how hard it is for God! With each mistake we make, God extends us his grace, with each mistake I make, God extends me grace. As a parent its my responsibility to extend grace to my child as God has done for me time and time again. See if I just love him, parent him to the best of my ability, and extend him grace when needed, God will do the rest! I'm sure of this because God has done the same thing for you and I time and time again! The next time your in an uproar with your teenager or they've made the same mistake for the fiftieth time, just remember to extend a little grace as God has done for you a million times over!

"But to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it." ~Ephesians 4:17

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Un planned

I was a bit shocked and surprised but what ever challenges I can endure. Last month I got some unexpected news I was pregnant, I was thinking oh my goodness again. I have 4 kids already and now I am bringing another child into the world. As soon I got a grip on reality, told my best friend and my husband I felt at ease about the situation. I homeschool my children so, that means I am the Mother, teacher, principle, lunch room aid, disciplinarian, coach and friend. A normal person would think that it is too much but I thoroughly enjoy being with my children, I have free time when my spouse comes home and we have been getting better about understanding that it is normal to need a break at times.
True indeed this pregnancy was not planned and at first I was ashamed but then I thought about it I'm married. My husband supports the six of us now and another mouth to feed will be ok, I still have a lot of items from my daughter whom will be two in a few weeks and I have a lot of support from my family and friends. At that moment I realized that this will all be ok and that God does not make mistakes. Even though this baby was unplanned, I know whatever the outcome I will persevere.

All things from God are already written and we are merely a piece of the puzzle. We are not supposed to lean on our own understandings but trust in the lord.  AMEN

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Made New

As I reflect on this past year I am so overwhelmed. I've had some good days and not so good days but I made it! I made it because God walked with me through every moment. There were times when I thought I wouldn't make it, times when I wanted to give up, times when I questioned why me? Through those moments God sustained me, He caught me every time I fell. He provided for me more than I could ever imagine! He blessed me more than I deserved because He is so GOOD! He's removed some people from my life and brought some pretty amazing people into my life. God is good, He is so good! So many times I tried to control things that I couldn't but God could and He did!  He is always in control and I pray that you all know that! I pray that you go into this new year knowing how much God loves you, I pray that you all know that God is with you through every moment, the good and the bad ones. God loves you so much He gave his son so that you could live! I pray that you walk into this new year living the life that God has called you to live, a life designed to bring Him glory! Know that you identity is found in Christ, you don't need anyone else to validate you! God has already done that! You do not have to walk into the new year carrying shame, guilt, anger, or bitterness! Lay it down at the cross, give it all to God! In Christ we are made new! Know that you deserve the best of everything God has to give you! I love you and sincerely pray that you go into this new year truly knowing that you are so loved by God and He wants you to have the very best for you! HAPPY NEW YEAR!

More Blessings to come

Thank you God for my life.... All that you are, all that you have received and given praise his name and give thanks. God never stops giving he blesses us beyond imagination. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18  says Rejoice always ; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks ; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. Amen.... This year started off a little rocky for me but after learning how to pray and meditate on my prayers, learning how to depend on God and not myself , letting go of stresses and anxieties finally the will was there and the way of the path was laid for me and my family. In 2015 we prayed for a new home so that we did not have to struggle to raise our children with the scrutiny and judgment of others not being in our own dwelling.

Our prayers were answered and then some my husband was made permanent at his job which came with a huge pay raise and we ended up moving into a house big enough for our family. I have also had an unexpected excitement we just recently found out that  we are expecting a baby our 5th child. Things are panning out so positively I give him all of the glory and praise. I am so happy I feel like I was in a storm, drowning for such a long time and when I let it go and asked God to solve the problem he did all in his own time but right on time. Going into 2016 let's stay positive and remember that all things are possible with God and all of the praise belongs to him..

Amen 2016 see you soon Through Christ Anything is Possible:

You are ENOUGH!

How many times do we tell ourselves that we are not good enough? How many times do we compare our situations to other's situations? How often do we not attempt to do something because we fear that we will be judged or rejected? Do you know that you are ENOUGH? God created you to be the exact way that you are and that is enough, who ever feels that it is not enough or makes you feel as though you are not enough needs to be removed from your circle.  Often times we keep people in our circle because we are comfortable with them, even though these same people never uplift or encourage us and make us feel bad about ourselves.  It is ok to love yourself! It is ok to believe in yourself! It is ok to want the best for yourself! These are things that God already knows about you to be true!

When you feel inadequate, remember God says: You are CHOSEN.
“‘You are my witnesses,’ declares the Lord, ‘and my servant whom I have chosen, so that you may know and believe me and understand that I am he’” (Isa. 43:10).
When you feel unloved, God says: You are LOVED.
“You are precious and honored in my sight, and . . . I love you” (Isa. 43:4).
When you feel forgotten, God says: You are REMEMBERED.
“See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands” (Isa. 49:16).
When you feel insecure, God says: You are SECURE.
“Let the beloved of the Lord rest secure in him, for he shields him all day long, and the one the Lord loves rests between his shoulders” (Deut. 33:12).
When you feel unable or unstable, God says: You are ABLE.
“The Sovereign Lord is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to tread on the heights” (Hab. 3:19).
When you feel worthless, God says: You are CALLED.
“You are a chosen [woman], a royal [priest], a holy [daughter], God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light” (1 Pet. 2:9).
Go into the New Year loving YOU! 
Today I looked at myself in the mirror and said "You are amazing and I love you" it felt weird doing so, but it also felt invigorating! Other people can compliment you all day, every day, but if YOU don't love you, then those compliments bounce right off of you.  If you don't love you, when people compliment you, you feel as though they aren't genuine and they are really judging you for your imperfections.  Leaning to embrace my flaws is something that I work on daily and its not easy.
I once had a friend who told me she felt ugly that day, I told her she was beautiful, she told me I would not know what it was like to have days when I don't feel beautiful. It really hurt my feelings that a friend of mine would view me like that, I never thought I came across like that, but to her I did.  I have have days when I feel horrible, I just want to wear sweat pants and a mask to work! Others days I feel like a run way model! These things are normal, but I want to always remember that God loves me just the way that am and I am learning accept my imperfections! 

I love you all and HAPPY NEW YEAR!