Let's start off with (Ephesians 5:22-33) So having a spouse is a good thing and I am grateful for mine. Us as women tend to complain about what our men do not do and we hold them in the highest regard, as if they can not make a mistake or fall short. We are all imperfect individuals but with prayer and supplication we have God's grace. The other day my husband was late coming home and in my mind I was mad at him I was thinking "how rude and inconsiderate", I called him No answer it was 7:00 p.m. already and I knew he got off at 6:00 that evening. I was going to let him have it when he got home, I mean I was boiling, I had keep up with the house, homeschooled our children, cooked all meals etc... I was thinking like how do I deserve this?
Outside I heard our truck pull in the driveway and I was so prepared to go off on him but what saved him is that #1 our kids were all still awake and #2 I was on the phone with a good friend of mine and I didn't want her to know how mad I was. My husband came in the house I did not even get up to open the door being in my feelings and he immediately went to the kitchen I didn't even look at him . At that moment he walked over to me and just stood there and I finally looked up at him with a grimace and he handed me a card and a bunch of chocolates wrapped up in a box. How foolish I felt the reason why he hadn't answered the phone was because he was busy showing me affection with gifts. I carefully read the card that he gave to me, it was so cute and right on track with our relationship.
My mood instantly changed instead of thinking about what he had not said or done I was thinking about my mood, how could I have been so selfish thinking it was all about me. I had not showed him any affection or appreciation at all lately and he was nice enough to go out of his way to do something nice for me. I had to re-evaluate my attitude, I quickly hugged him, hung up with my friend and thanked him over and over for showing me appreciation because really that is all that I wanted and he knew that. For now on I will tell him how much that I appreciate him and respect him for loving me and just for going to work daily for the greater good of his family.
Immediately I thought of how the bible at the end of the scriptures that I quoted earlier at Ephesians 5:33 it says however, each one of you must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.
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