Proverbs 31 Woman

Proverbs 31 Woman

Monday, October 19, 2015

Relying on the Lord

I was thinking about how I could contribute to blogging when I prayed about it my heart just opened up. There is a lot that people do, they feel shamed, hide and even lie just to make themselves feel better. I too have fallen into these circumstances, dealing with depression and rage and shame most of my life. I never really understood how to be transparent towards others it always seemed that when I needed to have some one in my corner they were never all in or had a different agenda.

Not until recently about a year ago did I fully comprehend that I was not in charge. Don't get me wrong I mean I knew about God I have been baptized, saved by his grace many a day and thanked him as well but I never Grasped the concept of taking a back seat. When I was approached by one of my very best friends about the possibility of starting a blog I was thinking " I am already too busy homeschooling my four children and being a wife". As time went on and we went from just talk to action and I am so happy that we did. Our first lesson together as a group was being transparent I thought I already knew how to do this ooh boy was I wrong. I knew how to bend towards others and say what I thought was needed in order to avoid opposition and confrontation.

After starting the lesson I grew to know God and myself closer, It helped to study scripture and
apply scripture to daily life and not only that but we held one another personally accountable for strength through prayer. The acronym  L.I.F.T soon became our name and is very suitable (Ladies in faith together). One of my favorite scriptures is at proverbs 3:5  Trust in the Lord with all of your heart , and do not lean on your own understanding. I have found this scripture to be very helpful in my daily life. I used to be anxious and sometimes honestly I still am about things that arise in life but I am not in control all that I can do is pray. God will make a way for YOU when the timing is right. I now understand and do not question God this year alone our family has been so blessed and it is all because we love the Lord and have gotten closer to him.

I want to urge all of you to learn this scripture at Jeremiah 33:3 Call to me and I WILL answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not know. The Bible is a promise and we as Gods people will grow as we unite with the Lord, trust in him and rely on his Word.

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