Proverbs 31 Woman

Proverbs 31 Woman

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Thank you God

Let's start off with (Ephesians 5:22-33) So having a spouse is a good thing and I am grateful for mine. Us as women tend to complain about what our men do not do and we hold them in the highest regard, as if they can not make a mistake or fall short. We are all imperfect individuals  but with prayer and supplication we have God's grace. The other day my husband was late coming home and in my mind I was mad at him I was thinking "how rude and inconsiderate", I called him No answer it was 7:00 p.m. already and I knew he got off at 6:00 that evening. I was going to let him have it when he got home, I mean I was boiling, I had keep up with the house, homeschooled our children, cooked all meals etc... I was thinking like how do I deserve this?

  Outside I heard our truck pull in the driveway and I was so prepared to go off on him but what saved him is that #1 our kids were all still awake and #2 I was on the phone with a good friend of mine and I didn't want her to know how mad I was. My husband came in the house I did not even get up to open the door being in my feelings and he immediately went to the kitchen I didn't even look at him . At that moment he walked over to me and just stood there and I finally looked up at him with a grimace and he handed me a card and a bunch of chocolates wrapped up in a box. How foolish I felt the reason why he hadn't answered the phone was because he was busy showing me affection with gifts. I carefully read the card that he gave to me, it was so cute and right on track with our relationship.

My mood instantly changed instead of thinking about what he had not said or done I was thinking about my mood, how could I have been so selfish thinking it was all about me. I had not showed him any affection or appreciation at all lately and he was nice enough to go out of his way to do something nice for me. I had to re-evaluate my attitude, I quickly hugged him, hung up with my friend and thanked him over and over for showing me appreciation because really that is all that I wanted and he knew that. For now on I will tell him how much that I appreciate him and respect him for loving me and just for going to work daily for the greater good of his family.

Immediately I  thought of how the bible at the end of the scriptures that I quoted earlier at Ephesians 5:33 it says however, each one of you must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

The Power of Prayer

Image result for pray without ceasing images
Over the last week I have been studying biblical prayers in the bible, while studying this topic I have really felt convicted. Conviction is not a bad thing, to me its simply the Holy Spirits prompting for me to improve in certain areas of my life, its not the first time I've felt conviction and I'm sure it won't be the last time either. Truthfully my prayer life is not what I'd like it to be, it's not even close. Depending on how tired I am often determines if I pray, how long I pray or sit and have quiet time with God. Praise God that the love He has for me is not dependent upon my prayer life! No matter how much we pray, there is always room for improvement in our daily prayer lives. We are told in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 to "pray without ceasing or to pray continually." Just off that one verse alone I know I can do better...a whole lot better. Imagine how much different our lives could be if we truly prayed all the time. My God! I believe we would be filled with the peace and joy of God through every circumstance, hardship, and trial that we ever faced! How amazing would that be! I want to do better, I want us all to do better in our prayer lives, not just praying for ourselves but others as well.

Let's be truthful most of the time when we pray, we are praying for situations or people directly related to us or praying for God to work things out in our favor. I know I'm guilty of this on a daily basis. Since I've started reading over biblical prayers in the bible I've realized how self serving my prayer life is. OUCH! It hurts to admit that out loud but it's the truth. If it's all about me or people that are apart of my life how can I expect to accomplish anything for God? How many times in the bible, does it say "honor others above yourselves?" Praying for other people instead of constantly praying for ourselves is "honoring others above ourselves." Let's not stop there, how about praying for people that we've never met or encountered before? In Colossians 1:9-14, Apostle Paul is praying for the Colossians, whom he has never met before. He's not praying simple prayers of blessings over them, no he is praying for them to be filled with knowledge and wisdom through the Holy Spirit, he's praying for them to live lives pleasing and worthy to the Lord, he's praying that they bear fruit in every good work, he's praying for them to have patience and endurance, he's praying for their salvation! I've never prayed a prayer like this for people I know let alone don't know. I mean yes, when there is some kind of natural disaster, we all say a prayer for the people effected but how often are we praying for their salvation, praying that God would use this natural disaster to draw people near to him? I don't know about anyone else but my answer is never, never have I prayed those kinds of prayers but I want to start. I want to start because we are commanded to pray without ceasing and called to be disciples, we are called to go out and make disciples and there is simply no way to do that without prayer!

Image result for pray without ceasing imagesI believe we underestimate the power of prayer. Prayer gives us 24/7 access to God. Prayer is the key that unlocks all doors and not just doors for us or the people we know but for people we don't know as well. What if your praying for a complete stranger is apart of the plan for their salvation, would that give you any incentive to change the way you pray? My goal for myself is to start praying for future believers, truthfully I know this will be a bit of a challenge because it's a change and sometimes change can be hard but well needed. I know I can do it with the help of Christ because with Him "all things are possible!" I hope you all are as inspired and encouraged as I am to pray at all times, I truly believe if we all prayed this way and for people we don't know this world could be a better place. Besides when your so busy praying for others, it shifts your focus from your needs to the needs of others, giving you less time to worry, giving you more peace of mind and who couldn't use a little more of that?

My challenge for you all is to change some things up in your daily prayer lives, pray more! Get out of the routine of just praying for yourself and others you know, pray for the homeless person you seen walking down the street, pray for the people in the car accident you just passed, pray for people in the unreached areas of the world! Pray without ceasing!

Monday, November 23, 2015

Training them up

Today was a trying day, we finally are settled and getting acclimated to our new home. I feel like I've had to defend and or explain myself several times today. The topic of the day why do you homeschool? My husband Kevin and I felt that it was best to remove our children from the traditional school environment and do things a little differently and thus far I can honestly say that it is working.
Galatians 6:9 (NIV) Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
My story starts here I felt like my school aged children were being  judged by school officials in a negative way. Our family was not quite settled in our surroundings and our children were suffering because of it. I could see a struggle with in my eldest son his learning, he would not get it at school, his teacher was impatient and not willing to repeat her lessons on what was unclear to him. He would come home crying because he felt dumb and he thought his brain was not working. Other students would laugh at him because he wasn't reading as fast as them I voiced my concerns to the teacher, to the principal, to the office and board of Education no one seemed to care, after tutoring help from the school and various of other different courses of action I had a serious epiphany,  I was going to research home schooling him.

Spending a lot of time and energy into parent meetings and such I was loosing track of my other son whom at the time was a new Kindergartener, he was also struggling. Don't get me wrong I've always spent time with my kids and taught them myself but I assumed that them being in school  was the best option, not with 1-2 hours of home work a night per kid the traditional school thing was Horrible.

I now have 3 out of 4 completing lessons with me, it took some time finding out what works best for them individually but the reward is so awesome, seeing my babies have confidence with learning and having fun while doing so is so worth it. In Psalms 127:3 it says Children are a heritage from the Lord, Offspring a reward from him, I couldn't agree more. Summing up my explanations for everyone we homeschool our children because we know we love and care for our children, they are not taught to the test they are not condemned by there peers, still socialized and have a deep respect and love for God, themselves and our household. Homeschooling allows me to be more hands on and focused on each child individually, I love it, it works for our family at this time and Our children will prosper in the Lord.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Learning to ask for Help

The process of buying a car has been beyond overwhelming and frustrating on so many levels. I was expecting to literally go out and buy a car in one day. Anyone buying a car knows that it takes time and research. How unrealistic was that? I was very unrealistic and so are a lot of other views I have as well. A lot of times I don't want to wait for things to happen, I always want everything right now. This mentality has gotten me into trouble quite a few times, particularly with cars. The last three cars I've gotten were because I didn't know how to be patient and wait on God. Either financially they were out of my budget or I got into trouble with the cars needing repairs. At the end of the day, a lot of the problems I encountered were because of my inability to delay gratification, to patiently wait on God, and to trust in His promises.

This time around I am determined to do things different. See, "when you know better, you do better!" This time around I decided to do something that I absolutely, positively don't like doing, which is asking for help! For a long time I thought asking for helped reflected weakness because after all, "I'm supposed to have it all together." Actually asking for help actually show humility which is the opposite of pride and truthfully I was being prideful. Pride will get you into trouble as it did me.  See God has a way of humbling us when we let pride get the best of us or get in the way of His plans. Matthew 23:12 says, " For those who exalt themselves will be humbled and those who humble themselves will be exalted." I believe that one way God humbled me was through the loss of "my brand new car." A brand new car that I couldn't afford and the end result of that was my car being repossessed. I was so embarrassed and ashamed but it was my fault. I got a new car I couldn't afford because everyone around me was getting a new car and because I worked so hard, I "deserved" to have a new car. No, actually I deserved what I got because I went ahead of God thinking what he had already given me wasn't enough. The truth is, what God gave me was more than enough but I was ungrateful, I had this false sense of entitlement. God's word says, " He will supply every need of ours according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.-Philippians 4:19. God supplies all of our needs according to HIS riches and going ahead of Him will always lead to trouble as it did with me.  LESSON LEARNED!

This time around I've enlisted the help of two very wise men, a financial counselor and a mechanic. These two men are very determined to help me, help me make better decisions, and put myself in a better situation for a better future. At one point I would have never asked for help but if I didn't I would have kept making the same mistakes over and over again expecting a different result! Really? That's insanity, literally! As much as I hated to ask for help, I'm glad that I did, I can see the fruit of that big step for me. God has blessed me in so many ways using theses two men outside of the ways I was originally seeking their help. Asking for help was a big step for me but has opened my heart in so many ways. I'm more open to the idea of asking for help, I'm also more willing to accept help when it's offered. I don't think of myself as weak and I don't feel ashamed when asking for help now. Truthfully we all need help no matter how good of a situation we think we're in. I am so truly humbled because so many people have reached out to help me, whether it's about budgeting, buying a car, or coming along side of me to help me with my son. So many times I thought I knew what was best for me or I thought I knew what I wanted but I didn't. What I have learned is God's ways are better than my ways and His thoughts are better than my thoughts. I have to choose whether I will honor Gods plan for my life or honor myself. I've decided to choose God because I know He always have my best interest in mind.

God is so good and he continues to reveal himself to me on a daily basis and sometimes he does it through some pretty amazing people. I am beyond blessed, I am beyond grateful, and I am so humbled by our Lord God Almighty. One of the most important things I have learned is, "my helps comes for the Lord, who made heaven and earth.-Psalm 121:2. When we need help all we have to do is ask and God is there without a shadow of doubt!

Friday, November 20, 2015


I have honestly not been motivated this last week, I feel like I have been out of touch with God lately.  I haven't been reading my daily Bible readings, I have half-hardheartedly been praying, I just overall feel like I have just been on the outs with God.  I wasn't even motivated to write this week, then I remembered what my purpose is and why this blog was started in the first place.  This blog was started to motivate and encourage others and sometimes we are the ones who need to be motivated and encouraged! 

I had been praying for the Lord to remove anything that was not like him, anything that means me no good and anything that was no longer beneficial in my life.  When I  tell you He did it immediately...He did it immediately...I was not ready! These things that were unlike him, these things that meant me no good and were no longer beneficial, turned out to be people too! That part somehow slipped my mind when I was praying.  People became inconsistent and I would wonder why but continue to allow them to be foolish of me to waste my time and energy! I can admit that I was not ready to let go of some of those inconsistent people, I wanted them in my life for my own fleshly reasons.  I prayed for something, my prayers were answered and I was still allowing myself to be put back into the same situations, with the same people expecting different results...insanity and disobedience at its finest!

When we pray for something and it's not given to us on our time we have a fit and start to question God, when He gives us what we ask for and we aren't ready for it, we have a fit and question God.  This is a cycle that I want to break! I want to be able to pray to God asking and expecting! When it doesn't come on my time I want to be able to understand that things don't work on my time.  When I get what I ask for I want to be prepared to be obedient.  I asked God to remove these things because I could see that I was becoming distracted, which is why I have been unmotivated to spend time with God.  Anything that keeps me from the Lord HAS TO GO! PERIOD! 

Now that these things and people are being removed from my life I am able to refocus on the Lord who is my first priority.  Strengthening my relationship with God is very important to me.  Anyone who is in my life has to have the same focus or there will always be a conflict of interest and God will always prevail! 

"For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want." Galatians 5:17

I pray that you all are encouraged and motivated to continue to strengthen your relationship with God! 

Sunday, November 15, 2015

I am yours, God save me

I've really been struggling with whether or not to address this topic and address it head on...DEPRESSION! I touched on it briefly in my post last week but felt like I really needed to shed light on this epidemic our society faces and on my personal battle with depression. Truthfully in our society, we're taught to hide it. We put on a front like we have it all together when we are really dying on the inside. I know I am guilty of this. I've struggled with depression for more than half of my life, its often left me with feelings of shame, inadequacy, anger, hopelessness, confusion, fatigued, and the list goes on. My depression doesn't just effect me, it effects every aspect of my life, it effects my child, my sanity, peace of mind, my goals, my relationships, and friendships. Often times people who don't struggle with depression, don't understand it. I mean I'm sure everyone has times in life where it seems like everything around them is going wrong, they get a little depressed, that's temporary. Mostly dependent upon circumstances and usually when circumstance improve so does the way they feel. For me it's the opposite, most days are a challenge. Simple things like being motivated to do basic household chores become a challenge. When you have depression, it doesn't take much to become anxious or overwhelmed. A lot times I am so frustrated that I even have to deal with it, that it's even apart of my life. I don't know if that makes sense but its like I get angry because I have it, angry at myself that I can't just snap my fingers and be better or mad at God because at anytime He can deliver it from me, but he hasn't.

This past week I feel like my depression really came to a head. This past week I realized that my depression has effected the one person I love most in this son! that realization rocked me to my core and scared every part of my being. Depression again left me with feels and inadequacy worse than I've ever felt before. Again ANGRY! Again angry with God. Why give me this little being to love, protect, and take care of but then not be able to enjoy him as much as I'd like because of depression? There are days when my depression is worse than others, when instead of coming home enjoying time with my son, I'm instantly overwhelmed and I just want to come home and sleep. How fair is that to him? It's not! My heart breaks for him and I don't want him to see me as weak because I couldn't deal. Truthfully I want to be his hero and I want him to see the best side of me! In the midst of all of thoughts, I had one thought that shifted my thoughts tremendously. That thought was that God is using my depression to draw me near to Him!!! In no way, shape, or form, am I saying that God gave me depression but I strongly believe God uses our struggles to draw us closer to Him and that's exactly what He's done.

See, I've realized if I don't draw near to God, this life, this world, my depression, will literally suck the life out of me. That's not what I want and I know that's not what God wants for me either. Last night I watched the movie about the life of Martin Luther and something he said really stood out to me. In the midst of him not feeling like he was good enough for God (inadequacy), dealing with his struggles, and depression, He fell to his face and said, "I am yours, God save me." That's the point I reached last week, I can't fix me but God can. See I belong to God, I am His, and if my suffering are part of His plan to share the Gospel, then so be it. All I can do is fall to my face and say, "I am yours, God save me." See His plans are better for my life than any plan I could ever come up with for myself. Depression is real, its apart of me, I don't understand it, but I know God has a plan for my life, a good plan. ~For I know the plans I have you declares the Lord, Plans to prosper you, not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and future.~Jeremiah 29:11. I don't know what that plan looks like but I know there's purpose in my pain. I am never going to understand everything that happens in life and if I try, it will only lead to a life of misery. But if I keep my hope anchored in God, knowing He is good and sovereign, then He will give me peace that surpasses all understanding (Phillipians 4:7)

One of the biggest makes you can make is trying to deal with depression on your own. That's playing with fire and I've tried it, it doesn't work. The best decision I made was going to counseling. I've also shared my battle with depression with some of my church family, it gives me some accountability and also allows them to be there for me, check on me. It doesn't take away my depression but allows it to be more manageable, it gives me an outlet, it gives me control. In the midst of it, I still choose God. in the midst of it I can say, " I am yours, God save me." One thing I know for sure is no matter what I am going through, I will always need God, I will always need a savior, I will always need to say, "God save me." If you are battling depression, I encourage you to reach out and get help. Don't do it alone, its not possible. We all need God, we all need help, we all need others behind us, pushing us forward in our life with Christ!

I love you all and I sincerely pray for you all!

Your Sister in Christ

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Fatherless Daughters

They say a girl's first true love is her father, but what about the girls who don't have a father or a father figure in their lives? How do these girls grow to experience the love of a father? How do these girls grow to understand what a healthy relationship looks like? What a man loving a woman looks like? 

I just want you to be encouraged and to understand that God may have used your father to bring you into this world and then removed him from your life to protect you.  Rejection is God's protection, even when your father is the one rejecting you.  I want you to be encouraged and to understand that, no you didn't deserve to be left behind by your father, but that does not define you.  I unfortunately know how it feels to yearn for your father's love and attention, to want to do right so he acknowledges you.  Growing up with a father who was there financially, but not emotionally took a toll on how I carried myself.  I didn't understand how a man was supposed to treat a woman because I didn't have my father there on a consistent basis and my mother was a single parent.  As a woman when you don't know how a man is supposed to treat you, you settle for less than what you deserve and you misconstrue what love really is.  It seems like I was constantly on the search for love and I was always left feeling empty and disappointed.  

One day in the midst of my quest for love, I was doing my hair listening to Pastor R.A Vernon preach on tv.  He was speaking about knowing your worth as a woman.  I literally broke down in tears, at the tender age of 21, I had never known what my worth was! I get so emotional when I think about the woman I once was, even more emotional when I see other young women on the same path for the same father.  I held onto so much resentment and hatred towards my father, but it was only hurting ME! I couldn't understand at that time that forgiveness is not for the other person, but for ME! 

As I grew older and became closer to God I realized that I was carrying a large load on my shoulders unnecessarily! All I had to do was forgive my father and move beyond those circumstances instead of allowing them to control me.  There are a lot of us fatherless daughters in the world and we can either choose not to forgive our fathers and move past our circumstances, or we can choose to trust in the Lord to provide and forgive those that hurt us.  

And, "I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty." 2 Corinthians 6:18 

We have great comfort in knowing that our spiritual Father will never leave or forsake us! We don't have to go above and beyond to get God's attention or love, He created us, He loves us just the way we are and when we make mistakes, He won't leave you.  I know its hard when you want to just be loved, but I want you to know that the love of God is bigger than ANY man's love! Seek Him instead of an earthly man, trust Him and love Him! 

"Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the LORD your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6 

Ladies, I sincerely pray that you find comfort in these words, comfort in knowing that you ARE loved, you don't have to chase someone to make them love you.  You have someone who loves you no matter what you do! Always remember, you are beautiful and your circumstances, nor situations define you! 

Love you!