Proverbs 31 Woman

Proverbs 31 Woman

Friday, November 20, 2015


I have honestly not been motivated this last week, I feel like I have been out of touch with God lately.  I haven't been reading my daily Bible readings, I have half-hardheartedly been praying, I just overall feel like I have just been on the outs with God.  I wasn't even motivated to write this week, then I remembered what my purpose is and why this blog was started in the first place.  This blog was started to motivate and encourage others and sometimes we are the ones who need to be motivated and encouraged! 

I had been praying for the Lord to remove anything that was not like him, anything that means me no good and anything that was no longer beneficial in my life.  When I  tell you He did it immediately...He did it immediately...I was not ready! These things that were unlike him, these things that meant me no good and were no longer beneficial, turned out to be people too! That part somehow slipped my mind when I was praying.  People became inconsistent and I would wonder why but continue to allow them to be foolish of me to waste my time and energy! I can admit that I was not ready to let go of some of those inconsistent people, I wanted them in my life for my own fleshly reasons.  I prayed for something, my prayers were answered and I was still allowing myself to be put back into the same situations, with the same people expecting different results...insanity and disobedience at its finest!

When we pray for something and it's not given to us on our time we have a fit and start to question God, when He gives us what we ask for and we aren't ready for it, we have a fit and question God.  This is a cycle that I want to break! I want to be able to pray to God asking and expecting! When it doesn't come on my time I want to be able to understand that things don't work on my time.  When I get what I ask for I want to be prepared to be obedient.  I asked God to remove these things because I could see that I was becoming distracted, which is why I have been unmotivated to spend time with God.  Anything that keeps me from the Lord HAS TO GO! PERIOD! 

Now that these things and people are being removed from my life I am able to refocus on the Lord who is my first priority.  Strengthening my relationship with God is very important to me.  Anyone who is in my life has to have the same focus or there will always be a conflict of interest and God will always prevail! 

"For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want." Galatians 5:17

I pray that you all are encouraged and motivated to continue to strengthen your relationship with God! 

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