The process of buying a car has been beyond overwhelming and frustrating on so many levels. I was expecting to literally go out and buy a car in one day. Anyone buying a car knows that it takes time and research. How unrealistic was that? I was very unrealistic and so are a lot of other views I have as well. A lot of times I don't want to wait for things to happen, I always want everything right now. This mentality has gotten me into trouble quite a few times, particularly with cars. The last three cars I've gotten were because I didn't know how to be patient and wait on God. Either financially they were out of my budget or I got into trouble with the cars needing repairs. At the end of the day, a lot of the problems I encountered were because of my inability to delay gratification, to patiently wait on God, and to trust in His promises.
This time around I am determined to do things different. See, "when you know better, you do better!" This time around I decided to do something that I absolutely, positively don't like doing, which is asking for help! For a long time I thought asking for helped reflected weakness because after all, "I'm supposed to have it all together." Actually asking for help actually show humility which is the opposite of pride and truthfully I was being prideful. Pride will get you into trouble as it did me. See God has a way of humbling us when we let pride get the best of us or get in the way of His plans. Matthew 23:12 says, " For those who exalt themselves will be humbled and those who humble themselves will be exalted." I believe that one way God humbled me was through the loss of "my brand new car." A brand new car that I couldn't afford and the end result of that was my car being repossessed. I was so embarrassed and ashamed but it was my fault. I got a new car I couldn't afford because everyone around me was getting a new car and because I worked so hard, I "deserved" to have a new car. No, actually I deserved what I got because I went ahead of God thinking what he had already given me wasn't enough. The truth is, what God gave me was more than enough but I was ungrateful, I had this false sense of entitlement. God's word says, " He will supply every need of ours according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.-Philippians 4:19. God supplies all of our needs according to HIS riches and going ahead of Him will always lead to trouble as it did with me. LESSON LEARNED!
This time around I've enlisted the help of two very wise men, a financial counselor and a mechanic. These two men are very determined to help me, help me make better decisions, and put myself in a better situation for a better future. At one point I would have never asked for help but if I didn't I would have kept making the same mistakes over and over again expecting a different result! Really? That's insanity, literally! As much as I hated to ask for help, I'm glad that I did, I can see the fruit of that big step for me. God has blessed me in so many ways using theses two men outside of the ways I was originally seeking their help. Asking for help was a big step for me but has opened my heart in so many ways. I'm more open to the idea of asking for help, I'm also more willing to accept help when it's offered. I don't think of myself as weak and I don't feel ashamed when asking for help now. Truthfully we all need help no matter how good of a situation we think we're in. I am so truly humbled because so many people have reached out to help me, whether it's about budgeting, buying a car, or coming along side of me to help me with my son. So many times I thought I knew what was best for me or I thought I knew what I wanted but I didn't. What I have learned is God's ways are better than my ways and His thoughts are better than my thoughts. I have to choose whether I will honor Gods plan for my life or honor myself. I've decided to choose God because I know He always have my best interest in mind.
God is so good and he continues to reveal himself to me on a daily basis and sometimes he does it through some pretty amazing people. I am beyond blessed, I am beyond grateful, and I am so humbled by our Lord God Almighty. One of the most important things I have learned is, "my helps comes for the Lord, who made heaven and earth.-Psalm 121:2. When we need help all we have to do is ask and God is there without a shadow of doubt!
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